#1 - Bike
This bike has been the BEST purchase! Now I can ride around the neighborhood with my girls...especially now that little Mini is off her training wheels. It was very affordable ($99) which was a must because I wasn't sure how much I was going to use it. I added the cute basket to help transport stuff on our adventures.
#2 - Outdoor Trash Can
This trash can was a must since we are spending SO much time outside during quarantine. There's a lot less in an out of the house while we are outside. While this one is sold out, I found a similar one here and here.
#3 - Stuff to Organize
I've had A LOT of time on my hands these last 11 (almost 12) weeks of quarantine so I've gotten around to organizing projects that have been on my list for a few years now. And of the rooms/drawers I've tackled, these three items have been my favorites because they are affordable and really got the job done to help keep things neat, in order but still allowing for me to see everything we have. I've got another blog post coming after I tackled under my bathroom sink, the minis bathroom closet and the guest room closet (where I store our extra sheets/towels). Stay tuned.
#4 - New Kitchen Sink Set Up
I wish I had a picture of the before of my kitchen sink set up so you can see how I simplified the space. I used to have a sponge/brush holder, dish soap, all purpose cleaner, hand soap, lotion and other random stuff. Now it's simplified to soap/lotion in one area and a simple sponge in the other. The other things I need like all purpose spray and dish soap are all under the sink in my new organized cabinet.
#5 - Olaplex #3 and Briogeo
I haven't gotten a haircut in more than four months...maybe five and my ends are hanging on for dear life. Until I can get my hair done these two products have been helping keep y ends on life support. I rotate using them every week or sometimes do both in one washing. If you haven't tried them I highly recommend you do.