Favorite Thing #122 - Stella by Stella McCartney
I finally decided what free fragrance I was going to get from the Christmas gift that my husband got me - Stella by Stella McCartney. I love this scent because its fresh, light and very feminine.
I have to admit that I almost NEVER use this favorite thing. I liked the product when I first started using it but for me it is too much of a process. My hair routine takes long enough (because I have long, thick hair it takes forever to blow dry and style) that I just didn't feel like continuing this added step. That may change again this summer when the humidity is out of control and I need some extra, extra help straightening it.
I love that perfume! I bought that on our honeymoon a couple years ago and it always reminds me of that time.
Do you like the Hang Straight? I never really felt like it did much for my unruly mane! But, it's probably my hair and not the product!
I did...when I used it. It took several uses to find out the right amount to use in my hair because too much i was a greaseball and too little it did nothing. I just stick with my CHI now...I don't need the extra cost of another product.
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