Friday, February 29, 2008

Gift Idea Friday - Housewarming Gift: Welcome Willow Tree Angel

Today's gift idea is very fitting because my husband and I are actually closing on our new house today - Willow Tree Angel - Welcome. This was actually give to us as gift when we moved into our first place. And since getting this as a gift we have given to at least a half dozen of our friends. Pineapples actually signify welcome in a home and this is the perfect way to tastefully display one. These are available online at Amazon and/or Cheryl Lane Keepsakes. You can also find them at Hallmark stores. Stay tuned for future posts about other Willow Tree Angel gift ideas.


Anonymous said...

Based on some of your other entries, I thought you were a pretty cool chick, but this is the tackiest, most heinous thing I have ever seen! How could someone seemingly so classy and chic endorse something so pedestrian?? I cannot believe you've given this to your friends...let alone display it in your own home!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like Martha needs to get a life.

Unknown said...

I cannot believe you've given this to your friends...let alone display it in your own home!We have more information on willow tree and i think itwill help you....


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